🎄 Advent of Clerk: Day 9

(ns advent-of-clerk.day-09
(:require [nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]
[advent-of-clerk.utils :as utils]
[clojure.string :as cstr]))
(def input (->> (utils/load-input "day_09.txt")
D 1"
L 2"
D 2"
L 1"
R 1"
D 1"
R 2"
U 1"
R 1"
D 2"
R 1"
L 2"
U 1"
D 2"
R 1"
L 2"
R 1"
U 2"
D 2"
L 1"
1980 more elided]
(def ex-input
[["R 4"
"U 4"
"L 3"
"D 1"
"R 4"
"D 1"
"L 5"
"R 2"]
["R 5"
"U 8"
"L 8"
"D 3"
"R 17"
"D 10"
"L 25"
"U 20"]])
R 4"
U 4"
L 3"
D 1"
R 4"
D 1"
L 5"
R 2"]
R 5"
U 8"
L 8"
D 3"
R 17"
D 10"
L 25"
U 20"]]

Part 1

(def translate {:L [-1 0]
:R [ 1 0]
:U [ 0 1]
:D [ 0 -1]})
{:D [0 -1] :L [-1 0] :R [1 0] :U [0 1]}
(defn parse [input]
(map #(let [[dir steps] (cstr/split % #"\s")]
[(keyword dir) (parse-long steps)]) input))
#object[advent_of_clerk.day_09$parse 0x66baa18f "
(defn move [dir [x y]]
(let [[tx ty] (translate dir)]
[(+ x tx) (+ y ty)]))
#object[advent_of_clerk.day_09$move 0x2deb0e44 "
(defn follow [[hx hy] [tx ty :as tail]]
(let [[dx dy] [(- hx tx) (- hy ty)]
[xdist ydist] [(abs dx) (abs dy)]
[xdir ydir] [(if (pos? dx) :R :L) (if (pos? dy) :U :D)]]
(and (<= xdist 1) (<= ydist 1)) tail ;; close prox. -> no movement
(== xdist 0) (move ydir tail) ;; vertical movement
(== ydist 0) (move xdir tail) ;; horizontal movement
:else (move xdir (move ydir tail))))) ;; diagonal movement
#object[advent_of_clerk.day_09$follow 0x6449a24b "
(defn process-instruction [init-state [dir steps]]
(take (inc steps)
(fn [{:keys [head tail]}]
(let [head (move dir head)
tail (reverse
(reduce (fn [[lead & _ :as tail] x]
(cons (follow lead x) tail))
(list (follow head (first tail)))
(rest tail)))]
{:head head :tail tail}))
#object[advent_of_clerk.day_09$process_instruction 0x46c9e88a "
(defn run-simulation [knotcount procedure]
(reduce (fn [results instruction]
(concat results
(rest (process-instruction (last results) instruction))))
[{:head [0 0]
:tail (repeat (dec knotcount) [0 0])}]
#object[advent_of_clerk.day_09$run_simulation 0x75cc8f05 "
(defn solve-1
(->> input
(run-simulation 2)
(map (comp first :tail))
#object[advent_of_clerk.day_09$solve_1 0xa026d6 "


We need a way to memorize positions already visited such that they will not be counted twice.

A coordinate system with (0,0) as the first (starting) position would be the natural choice.

From (0,0), we can move in all 4 directions:

[(move :L [0 0])
(move :R [0 0])
(move :U [0 0])
(move :D [0 0])]
[[-1 0] [1 0] [0 1] [0 -1]]

Diagonals are just juxtapositions of 2 orthogonal moves:

(move :L (move :U [0 0]))
[-1 1]

The distance and angle between head and tail determines how the tail will follow to remain in close proximity:

[(follow [3 1] [1 1])
(follow [1 1] [1 3])
(follow [2 3] [1 1])
(follow [3 2] [1 1])
(follow [-2 3] [-1 1])
(follow [-3 2] [-1 1])
(follow [2 -3] [1 -1])
(follow [3 -2] [1 -1])
(follow [-2 -3] [-1 -1])
(follow [-3 -2] [-1 -1])]
[[2 1] [1 2] [2 2] [2 2] [-2 2] [-2 2] [2 -2] [2 -2] [-2 -2] [-2 -2]]

By applying move to the head on each step of the procedure and letting the tail follow it, their coordinates can then be determined:

(def procedure (parse (first ex-input)))
([:R 4] [:U 4] [:L 3] [:D 1] [:R 4] [:D 1] [:L 5] [:R 2])
(def results1 (run-simulation 2 procedure))
({:head [0 0] :tail ([0 0])} {:head [1 0] :tail ([0 0])} {:head [2 0] :tail ([1 0])} {:head [3 0] :tail ([2 0])} {:head [4 0] :tail ([3 0])} {:head [4 1] :tail ([3 0])} {:head [4 2] :tail ([4 1])} {:head [4 3] :tail ([4 2])} {:head [4 4] :tail ([4 3])} {:head [3 4] :tail ([4 3])} {:head [2 4] :tail ([3 4])} {:head [1 4] :tail ([2 4])} {:head [1 3] :tail ([2 4])} {:head [2 3] :tail ([2 4])} {:head [3 3] :tail ([2 4])} {:head [4 3] :tail ([3 3])} {:head [5 3] :tail (1 more elided)} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} 5 more elided)

Finally, counting all distinct coordinates from the tail results is trivial:

(count (distinct (map (comp first :tail) results1)))

Part 2

(defn solve-2
(->> input
(run-simulation 10)
(map (comp last :tail))
#object[advent_of_clerk.day_09$solve_2 0x29528773 "


I extended run-simulation and process-instruction to work with tails of multiple knots, which just means that each preceeding knot in the list is the lead/head that the next one will follow:

(process-instruction {:head [1 1]
:tail (list [0 0])}
[:U 2])
({:head [1 1] :tail ([0 0])} {:head [1 2] :tail ([1 1])} {:head [1 3] :tail ([1 2])})
(process-instruction {:head [0 0]
:tail (list [0 0] [0 0] [0 0])}
[:L 4])
({:head [0 0] :tail ([0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [-1 0] :tail ([0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [-2 0] :tail ([-1 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [-3 0] :tail ([-2 0] [-1 0] [0 0])} {:head [-4 0] :tail ([-3 0] [-2 0] [-1 0])})


To visualize the results in a grid, it is important to recognize that the values can be negative and that the y-axis is flipped from top-down coordinates used by SVG. I made use of the view-box and SVG transform to translate the values to the correct coordinates.

(defn get-bounds [coords]
(let [xs (map first coords)
ys (map second coords)]
[[(apply min xs) (apply max xs)]
[(apply min ys) (apply max ys)]]))
#object[advent_of_clerk.day_09$get_bounds 0x20d6a76b "
(defn make-chart [data & {:keys [head? knot2? knot10? traces?]
:or {head? true knot2? false knot10? false
traces? false}}]
(let [data (map #(cons (:head %) (:tail %)) data)
[[x-min x-max]
[y-min y-max]] (get-bounds (apply concat data))
w (inc (abs (- x-max x-min)))
h (inc (abs (- y-max y-min)))
bgcol "#111827"]
[:svg {:width (* w 26)
:style {"max-width" "100%"
"padding" "1rem"
"background-color" bgcol}
:view-box (str x-min " " y-min " " w " " h)}
[:g {:transform (str "translate(0," (+ y-min y-max 1) ") "
"scale(1, -1)")}
(into [:g]
(for [[head & tail] data
[i knot] (map-indexed vector (cons head tail))]
(when traces?
[:rect {:x (first knot) :y (second knot)
:width 1 :height 1
:fill (let [v (- 1.0 (float (/ i (count tail))))
r (max (* v 150) 26)]
(str "rgba(" r ", 43, 76," v ")"))
:stroke-width 0.02
:stroke bgcol}])
(when (or (and head? (== i 0))
(and knot2? (== i 1))
(and knot10? (== i 9)))
[:circle {:cx (+ 0.5 (first knot)) :cy (+ 0.5 (second knot))
:r 0.25
:fill (cond
(== i 0) "rgb(255, 255, 255)"
(== i 9) "rgb(0, 66, 189)"
(== i 1) "rgb(255, 100, 100)")}])]))]])))
#object[advent_of_clerk.day_09$make_chart 0x31f3a0d3 "

The results of the first example with only the head-knot (white dot):

(make-chart results1)

And its characteristic pattern left behind by the tail-knot (red):

(make-chart results1 :head? false :knot2? true)

For 10 knots, we can show the traces as a gradient from red→blue with a blue dot emphasizing the last tail-knot:

(def results2 (run-simulation 10 procedure))
({:head [0 0] :tail ([0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [1 0] :tail ([0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [2 0] :tail ([1 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [3 0] :tail ([2 0] [1 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [4 0] :tail ([3 0] [2 0] [1 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [4 1] :tail ([3 0] [2 0] [1 0] [2 more elided] [2 more elided] [2 more elided] [2 more elided] [2 more elided] [2 more elided])} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} 5 more elided)
(make-chart results2 :head? false :knot2? true :knot10? true :traces? true)

The second example looks somewhat more interesting.

(def results3 (run-simulation 10 (parse (second ex-input))))
({:head [0 0] :tail ([0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [1 0] :tail ([0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [2 0] :tail ([1 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [3 0] :tail ([2 0] [1 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [4 0] :tail ([3 0] [2 0] [1 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0] [0 0])} {:head [5 0] :tail ([4 0] [3 0] [2 0] [2 more elided] [2 more elided] [2 more elided] [2 more elided] [2 more elided] [2 more elided])} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} {2 more elided} 77 more elided)

First, only the movement of the head:

(make-chart results3)

Let’s see how the tail follows:

(make-chart results3 :traces? true :knot2? true :knot10? true)
(count (distinct (map (comp last :tail) results3)))

While the head moves in a rectangular fashion, the tail tries to catch it with diagonal shortcuts, which of course reflects the encoded movement pattern.

The actual input looks a lot like a random walk; uncomment the following lines if you are curios (takes a few seconds to render):

(def results4 (run-simulation 2 (parse input)))

(count (distinct (map (comp last :tail) results4)))

(make-chart results4)

Can’t render this with 10 knots, because of stack overflow. D: Would have to recreate this in canvas.
